Sunday, 1 May 2011
Video: Suuuperfast barcode scanner for S^3 – Even works EDoF and old S60 – demoed on Nokia N8/E7/N95
Barcode scanners – nifty little things if you can bother to open the app other than that gimmicky inspired moment when you try it out to see if it actually works. You need to get it in focus though to get the image right. That takes time for the focusing to get it perfect.
Some do some sort of continuous autofocus thing and adjusts by itself. You just have to hold the phone still.
Anyway, basically with this app, the barcode is scanned instantly. Somehow like those barcode scanner guns you’d see in the grocery store/shops etc. In the time it takes to beep, it’s scanned.
Another bigger plus is that it also somehow seems to work for EDoF cameras. The demo specifically mentions working with EDoF, working with different angles so you don’t have to be as precise as the old barcode scanner apps. Video after the break.
The cool thing with barcode scanners is NOT the scanning, but what that information can direct us to. More info on the product, price listings, comparisons, coupons, discounts, business cards, links etc (e.g. QR codes. Used to be a geek thing now being used more and more for promitions. Something like this would be useful as it’s instant, whip out, bam. It seems that mostly a software thing, it could reach a little bit further than NFC for now, which would need more extensive hardware deployment).
SOURCE My Nokia Blog